HTMLIFIED [S] MAKE HER PAY but with a shorter load time

im receiving reports that this version of the flash has cut the load time down from over 1 minute to ~10 seconds. same thing on my computer :smirk:

its thanks to cassie we were able to get the load time down by so much. she pointed out theres a loader in the flash's html file. this loader...LOADS ALL THE IMAGES IN THE FLASH. the number of images your project contains will depend on your publish settings. i exported my images as a texture and ended up with around 800 images. cassie pointed out the loader by default only loads ONE IMAGE AT A TIME. YEAH THATS A PROBLEM!!!

she suggested i add this line
after the loader is made in this line
var loader = new createjs.LoadQueue(false);
You See...changing max connections to 20 allows 20 images to load at once. of all solutions, this will probably make the biggest difference in your preload time.

of course my first thought was well why not just change max connections to 800 so all the images load at once RIGHT?!

Wrong. these links lead to versions of the flash each with the specified number of max connections. if you right click > Inspect > Network you can see at the bottom (on chrome at least) how long it takes all of those pictures to load. 50 max connections seems to be my browser's cap. after that increasing the max connections actually seems to make the page load slower FHDSAKH so in my experience (Of One Day) 30-50 is a good number to put there.

but even with "improved" loading time, for some the wait is only cut down to 40s. and if you consider this on the scale of a flash like [s] cascade (which is like 5 make her pays stitched together) well we remain in nightmare town.


so um yeah gotta come back to this topic later :? if youve got any other ideas be sure to tell me PLEASE!

special thanks to cassie for providing me basically all of the information on this entire page FHDSAJKF

<<< example: homestuck's hit flash MAKE HER PAY <<<

>>> episode 3: effects and artifacts >>>