Alas...poor Billy•bob. Yeah, I knew 'em. A coon o in•fin•ite jest, a most ex•cellent fancy. I hath borne him on my back a thousand, maybe...a thousand an' two times. And now my ima•gin•ation just don't cut it. My gorge r--
--rises of it. Here hung he. Here he hung, here hung. He...hung... Those lips. I have kissed I know not even how oft. Where be your gibes now, Billy•bob?
Your gambols?
Prit•hee, Bi•lly, tell me just one thing before you go.
Your gongs? Your flashes of merr•i•ment what were wont to make the whole plan•ta•tion crack up an' split its sides? Not one now to mock your own grinnin' eh? Quite chap•fallen ehhhh? Now you get to your little girl•friends' cabins an give 'em a little bit o this; A heart that loves will have black fingers. Sure they'll think that's a laugh.
- Shake•speare