In the mean•time,
It's high•time you learned some readin' little niglet. Just think'a how much smarter you would be if you were lit•er•ate. Y'know when you get a real good idea, a gen•u•ine chef•d'oeu•vre. Like a...a...frog that can fly or some mess, whatever tickles ya. Then you go to work, you pick cotton 'til the sun don't shine--and you just can't wait to ex•e•cute your grand idea, you're so giddy you skip all the way to your cabin, and you lie down, and it's gone. You know that feelin' don'tcha Walnut?WALNUT: Naw... Yes ya do. You lost the con•cept of the mech•an•ism that could'a maybe...who knows, picked cotton like a black man. The con•cept to save the Negro race! If such a thing could exist, what a thing to lose. Now you so smart I bet you been wonderin' why and how people ain't come up with a so•lution of sorts to re•cord and re•visit precious ideas. Walnut, today's your lucky day. Gimme a second here to get it together. Y'know what? No, no, no. This here's a collection of E•gyp•tian hier•o•glyphs. You met any of the E•gypt•ian niggers on this plantation? I crack my damn self up, we ain't got no got•damn Egyptians girl. You ever even seen a map? I'm off track. You was gonna start out with the first language, but see, there's de•bate. 'Cause alllll around the world--you heard'a the "world"?--every•body thinks they done it first. Sum•er•ian, Ela•mite, Pal•aic, Chiiiiin•ese. Now how the hell you know you was the first to do anything when you can't even see past your damn toes. The only way you can really be sure who was really, truly first, is by con•siderin' every in•di•vidual account from what we call a "van•tage point". "Before one learns their first language, they must learn the first language." Un•known source. Now Walnut. Your daddy was stupid. He said readin' and writin' "dried up" the "flavor" o' his "ideas". Nigger. That motherfucker loved to play...I said coon...Oh lord. It don't matter, 'cause I got faith in you Walnut! Now you smart, so I know what you askin'. "How I gonna suf•fi•cient•ly com•pare and con•trast these'm various un•trans•lated texts for'uh determinin' hu•manity's first writ•ten lang•uage when I cain't-uh-uh-uh-read'm?" Aha. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Naw, let's just see how you figure it out. WALNUT: 'Seer... You already got it?!
WALNUT: I think I's...ready for bein' ready hand's makin' me...sleepy...