She falls back down. The vivid colors slowly begin to recede. The kids don't know what to think of her outburst.

BUG: Yo I am starting to have a b-b-b-bad feelin' about these..."aliens". And does anybody else feel like we being watched?! WALNUT: JAYJAY: What was that Miss Walnut? WALNUT: Flinka flinkkoo trabblerappra. LISA SHARP: Ignore her. She's just actin' up for attention like she ALWAYS is. JAYJAY: Has she ever gotten like this before? WALNUT: Gloslu tung tay. Frabble frabble foop wot dadayayorut. LISA SHARP: ...No. BUG: Tha-tha-that ain't no type of talk I ever heard before. Big Nigga, has you?
