Sure's a fancy ball. Who gave you this? Al•Jazari? Ha! Girl I'm kiddin' you don't know who the fuck Al•Jazari is. Lord have mercy she can't read. So how'd ya make it? You use a...rock? Eh, I'm no en•gin•eer. Your daddy was smart and I was clever, that's what they called us. A little like you and you•know•who... If clever stood for dumb as all fuck, that is. Now. While your daddy had a special talent for escortin' me strolls down un•thinkably, cre•atively, art•istically in•jur•ious shen•ann•i•gans...He never did--I don't think, no--what this little number did to me. I think it's time I admit it, girl. You may have surpassed the old man. Hahaha! 'Course you have. Nigger wasn't smart enough to not get sold. Hello, coonery day one. We don't like to see it, not one sol•i•tary bit. Girl. What the hell is up there that's more interestin' than what's down here?! Get on, come down, show me how the hell to work this thing.