WALNUT: (I done this before Lil' Rock. Nobody needs to get hurted--) >
WALNUT: ('Cause it's bad!) MINIHEAD: (Well yes, but why?) WALNUT: ('Cause it ain't good!) MINIHEAD: (It's mean. Nobody's just going to hand their life over like oh here go you sure I'll die. It's stealing, in a way. And I suppose stealing isssssssss bad...Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...) WALNUT: (No! Killin's three bads badder than' stealin'!) MINIHEAD: (Okay so you have a metric!) WALNUT: (Some stuff's badder than other stuff dats just how it works!) MINIHEAD: (How many bads is killing?) WALNUT: (Tenbads!) MINIHEAD: (Emotional battery?) WALNUT: (Threebads!) MINIHEAD: (Animal abuse!) WALNUT: (Eightbads!) MINIHEAD: (Hurting someone?) WALNUT: (Fourbads!) MINIHEAD: (That's not a bad deal. I'll just paralyze him for you!) WALNUT: (You can't do dat!) MINIHEAD: (Excuse me Miss MIGHT AS WELL BE ABUSING ANIMALS, but I don't exactly take orders from people three bad units above me.) WALNUT: (No hurtin's fourbads but realbadhurtin's ninebads an' that's what you tryin' to do 'cause you bad!) MINIHEAD: (I might as well be arguing with a child!!!) WALNUT: (You's a child!) MINIHEAD: (No you!) WALNUT: (No you!) MINIHEAD: (No! You!) MINIHEAD: (Just give it to me straight, Walnut. Why are you allowed to do bad things and I'm not?) WALNUT: ('Cause I wanna go home!!!) MINIHEAD: (Yeah??!!?!?!?!!?!?! Well I want you to be safe! Because you are my friend!) WALNUT: (...)
MINIHEAD: (That way he can't wake up and cut you up into a bunch of pieces? Because he'll be completely dead? You see where I'm going with this?) WALNUT: (This ain't good Gloobieshoobiepoo. I can't be throwin' you into the sky now 'cause you too dangerous to be where some space person might... I gots to put you in the swamp...) MINIHEAD: (Godhead.* Wait, why?!) WALNUT: (And don't nobody never come back from the swamp.) MINIHEAD: (Walnut, nonono. You're confused. You wouldn't be implicated in the manslaughter (because I know you don't like murder (because I listen to you)). That'd be me!) WALNUT: (Ever...) MINIHEAD: (Ah, I realize what you're upset about. Lisa Sharp and all the human innocents will be just fine. When I say "kill him" I mean "kill just the one guy, the really bad one-- WALNUT: (Killin's bad!!!) MINIHEAD: (Wait.) MINIHEAD: (You mean in general?) MINIHEAD: (Why?)
MINIHEAD: (Maybe plumbing is just what this planet needs to get it out of its slavery funk.) WALNUT: (I'unno Shobshob, a dis-place without dat is like a my-place without big floatin' heads made'a up or a Lisa Sharp dats eyebrows don't like down.) MINIHEAD: (Godhead*. Yeah...It just makes me kind of sad I guess. I was so excited when I found this place. But then it was all slavery-y. Like wow, downer... That is not super fun, for me.) WALNUT: (Dis place ain't so bad as it seem I find fun stuff to do like buildin' stuff to go home an' makin' stuff to go home and piecin' parts to get home an' hangin' out with Lisa Sharp. Little Head I think you should meet Lisa Sharp she da bes.) MINIHEAD: (Mmmmmmmmmmmmm! I will! Think about it! Will definitely consider that, using my brain, ie. my entire body.) WALNUT: (Maybe it'd be sad dough 'cause if you say hello one day you gonna get in your spaceship and say goodbye 'cause Rockhead I think every happy's a little sad I think.) MINIHEAD: (Heh. Yeah, you're really right.) WALNUT: (Mr Rock...Was you sad about what you did on your home place?) MINIHEAD: (I dunno...) MINIHEAD: (Yeah... I guess I was sad. I even cried? Wow. I cried about that.) WALNUT: (Mr Rock even if you been bad your heart been good an' it's what's on da onside dat count.) MINIHEAD: (You really think I have good onsides? Walnut...that's so sweet...) MINIHEAD: (Walnut! I just thought of a way I can help you! Why don't I just kill the Overseer?) WALNUT: (!!!!!!!!!)
MINIHEAD: (Walnut, what do you think of your master?) WALNUT: (Da Overseer?) MINIHEAD: (Yes. Because no offense, but he is a bit garbage.) WALNUT: (I'unno he not dat good or nice or fun or wee or yay but he ok Walnut guess.) MINIHEAD: (I feel for you Walnut. I can relate to you in many ways but your situation is so so so so so so much worse than mine ever was. I mean being enslaved is one thing but by a planet that doesn't even have toilets?) WALNUT: (Don't be sad Globshed. If it make you less sad an' cryin' an' lonely sad alone I'ma make up toelets for da humans before I goes to my place 'an it'll make 'em real happy 'cause I'unno what it is.) MINIHEAD: (Godhead*. The perfect parting gift, civilization.)
MINIHEAD (WHIPSERISH): (So! Walnut!) MINIHEAD: (These guns will be great for our SPACESHIP after we dissassemble them and strip them down for parts, eh?) WALNUT (QUIETY): (I sure hopes so Mr Goob. It's hard to find real good stuffsparts for things 'round here without nobody gettin' mad at you for makin' their ceilin' go bye.) MINIHEAD: (It's Mr. God*, thank you. Who ever needed a ceiling, anyways? What's the sky going to do? Fall down?) WALNUT: (Hee hee Mr head. Where I comes from the sky goes down and is the floor and goes up and is the sky goes down is the floor comes up like dat but I'unno why peoples heres would be scared'a dat 'cus they only gots three sides anyways.) MINIHEAD: (My moon was kinda like that.)