LISA SHARP: (The PROMISED LAND actually a lot like your fake made up liary not real stupidworld, stupid. It got clouds, there enough food to eat and it never too hot in the day or cold in the night. Walnut they got BLANKETS up there. Sound too good to be true, RIGHT?) WALNUT: (Does you get the souper gooper befores or afters your threed feather grow in?) LISA SHARP: (You can get your stupid gooper whenever you want! It's the PROMISED LAND.) WALNUT: (In Skyworld you gets em after you can dos swirlies but we can go sees the promise palace on the ways dere. I'lls fly us dere!)
WALNUT: (Jusht gimmeee dat stick and every mosquito.)
LISA SHARP: (NO! The stupid old Egipps slaves couldn't reach the PROMISED LAND without Moses' muscles, Walnut. They probably was headin' straight for HELL by mistake, the stupids.) WALNUT: (Did dey forget to bring they shadows 'cus thems really goods at givin' directions.)
LISA SHARP: (If I ain't the one who take us there who know what you'll find a way to mess up.)