WALNUT: Sorry 'bout makin' you wait for me when you already waited so long for me all dat time 'an stuff but before we fly off into skyworld 'an get home into skyworld there's somethin' I gotta do to help all the peoples that got hurt 'cause'a my fault. Do that sound okay, alien family?
COWI: Ahem. Godhead. This would be a good time to 'interact'. GODHEAD: Oh, ah, yes. The cute one is alone now. Just allow me to recuperate...
GODHEAD: Did she just shoosh me?
WALNUT: We gots to be quiet 'cause we cain't let Lisa Sharp know 'bout what I'ma'bout'ta do 'cause if she finds out 'bout what I'm'a'bout'ta do then she might get her feelings hurt and get all purple 'cause I told her I wouldn't do what we 'bout'ta'do, so purple she pass out and stuff and I don't wanna make Lisa Sharp feel bad or nothin' 'cause she just mindin' her life the best she can and I shouldn't'a lied in the first place but I did so let's be real quiet, ok? You gonna help me.