GODHEAD: Oh goodness gracious! COWI: You're pausing too much!!! GODHEAD: That one scares me! The mean one, she seems really mean. I don't want to talk to Walnut with the mean one around. She might be mean to me. COWI: Oh you big baby!
COWI: I'll talk to her then.
GODHEAD: Nooo--She might hear my weird voice in the background and--Look. These creatures don't even know what, like, they don't even have electricity at this point. If a rock starts talking to them they could go into shock. CoWi, would you have some empathy for lower life forms please? We need to think of a way to make our presence known without direct verbal confrontation-- COWI: I know it's been several millennia since you've socialized, Master Godhead, but... GODHEAD: --Or confrontation of any kind, let's avoid that. I'm a god. You're a god's computer. We don't need to use our words. Communicating via vague symbols and gestures is really more appropriate anyway, don't you think? Okay, so, yeah.